Line (láin]
Line (láin]
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Line [láin]
©︎ 0/0 Experimental ArtWork Unit ‘Percent’ 2010
Concept work & Visual Development | toru.arima and atuko,ito
Exhibition : 於 兵庫県立美術館
The two voices, recorded separately so that they are not cross-referenced, are replaced by a ‘visible’ waveform (as a collection of sine waves of different frequencies). These two waveforms are superimposed in a constant state of density, creating interference and reproducing the wolfsbane of voices spoken in different places as a semblance of visual resonance.
In order for these to remain ‘distant voice traces’, they must avoid materialisation through reproduction/representation in artistic techniques. The mechanical print-out as a process of data processing presents them as expressions without art structures (materials, frames, fabrics, supports), i.e. without origins in art.
The word ‘Line [lain]’, uttered and recorded separately by the two artists, means line in painting, box, ‘continuity’. And ‘voice’ is a representation of individuality.
ふたりにより発話され別々に採録された”Line [lain」”という語量は絵画における線の意であり、箱、「自続」を意味する。そして「声」とは個体性についての表象である。