LINK Sisters and Friends MARKUPdoorknob.design代表の有馬徹とプロジェクトスタッフが中心となり編集・発信する、インディペンデント・ウェブマガジンのサイトですThe site of an independent web magazine edited and published mainly by members and project staff.Click Here NerdOverclouded Design Associates & Office GP | official doorknob.designの姉妹会社、一級建築士事務所「ナード、オーバークラウデッド」のサイトですThis is the website of's sister company, the first-class architectural firm "Nard, Overcrowded"Click Here SLOW WORDS IN THE MARKUPdoorknob.design代表の有馬徹によるスローな言葉Dear the world and someone your lover."Andre Maurois" wrote that it is important for people to 'think with their hands'. Thinking with words can convey more than what is writtenbetween the lines and in the margins of the text, it can convey emotions, feelings and atmosphere. It is the real words and voices thatremind us that true intelligence and trust are important, notexaggerated culture, pleasure and self-affirmation.Toru, Arima 2,september 2019Click Here Misuzu Shibuya Photographydoorknob.design共同代表である伊藤敦子とフォトグラファー渋谷美鈴さんとのコラボレーションアートブックの販売ページ。(渋谷さんのHPです)Collaboration zine by Atsuko Ito, co-president of, and photographer Misuzu ShibuyaClick Here